You can show your generosity in a variety of ways during GivingTuesday
—whether it's volunteering, sharing a skill, or making a charitable donation —everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts.
Slidell Little Theatre's mission is...
"to engage, educate, and involve members of the community in high quality theatrical productions."
This GivingTuesday you can help us fulfill that mission...
by partaking in an opportunity to give back to communities in ways that allow for social connection and kindness...through the magic of theatre!
You can deploy generosity in a myriad of ways to make a difference
–in addition to charitable donations, your time, your kindness, your skills, your voice are all things you can give.
Please Consider a Donation to Slidell Little Theatre for GivingTuesday!
Slidell Little Theatre's programs rely on the generosity of our donors and sponsors.
Slidell Little Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.